Fitness programming is equal parts science and art. Successful fitness program designs are those that reflect the goals and needs a client expresses and serves to help the client achieve an optimal...
Exercise Science, Biology, and Research
Health and fitness articles for personal trainers rooted in exercise science, biology, anatomy, physiology, health psychology
Can Working Out Change Your Genetics?
Exercise sessions can actually alter our DNA…in a matter of minutes! At any given time clients demonstrate a lack of motivation, causing them to skip the gym. When I encounter such clients, I have...
IT Band Stretch: A Different Approach to Alleviate Tightness
Instead of stretching the Iliotibial (IT) Band, turn your focus toward the muscles that connect to the IT Band and those that are part of the larger fascial network. The IT Band, also known as the...
Does Strength Training Pair Well With Concurrent Conditioning?
Ideally, strength training and conditioning are done on separate days to maximize strength capacity, but if they must be squeezed in together there is a methodology to consider. “I have plenty of...
Maximize Triceps Muscle Exercises with Anatomy
What's the difference between doing triceps extensions with a pronated grip, supinated grip and neutral? This is a common question that arises about the many ways to strengthen the triceps. One of...
Tweaking the Training Tempo to Get Results
When the desired or expected results aren't happening it's time to try something different. Especially if someone is working maximally. More is not always the answer. For any seasoned weightlifter,...
Understanding the Tibialis Posterior Muscle
When a client asks you, "What do you think about arch supports?" You can respond by educating them and connecting them to the tibialis posterior muscle. The tibialis posterior covers a lot of bone...
Ankle Anatomy – Fibularis and Peroneus Muscles
The words peroneus and fibularis are used interchangeably in anatomy. But, who needs an extra word to learn when you're already trying to remember 600 muscles in the human body!? Not you. Not me....
No Pain, No Gain? No Way!
“Part of what makes an athlete an athlete is the ability to play through pain.” DO YOU AGREE? This statement was made by Brian P. McKeon, Boston Celtics chief medical officer during an interview....
NFPT Live: Rotator Cuff Exercises and Personal Training Strategies – Ep 13
The rotator cuff has four muscles and enough motions, exercises and stretches for us to talk about it for 45 minutes! Get caught up on anatomy, exercises and training strategies with this episode of...