“All things in moderation.” This oft-cited phrase is believed to date from ancient times and remains relevant today. Take for example, the principle of energy balance used in diet in exercise that...
CEC Articles
Category for NFPT CEC articles (continuing education credits) containing information for NFPT-certified personal trainers to earn CECs.
Exercise Affects Human Genome
We know that exercise has the power to change our outward shape. But the findings of a new study offer insight into how it changes the shape of our inner workings at the genome level and how that...
Unilateral Training
Ready or not, here it comes…November 2015, 1 year until the next presidential election. Already we are being inundated with candidates, conventions, and more than enough mud-slinging. Whether you...
As seasoned personal trainers, we have witnessed the coming and going of a seemingly endless parade of fitness formats. From high-impact aerobics of the early 1980’s, through the Zumba craze, the...
Hip Adductors: Anatomy and Exercises
Adduction is the movement of a body limb toward the mid-line. In the hip, it's the action of the femur (leg) coming closer to the middle of the body (or other leg). Hip adductors are muscles...
A Natural Program Proven to Increase Muscle and Decrease Fat
This article will convey a proven technique of altering diet and exercise that affects the natural processes for muscle gain and fat loss. Further, the information contained herein will provide a...
Be Magnificent With Magnesium
Open any fashion magazine these days, and you are sure to be visually bombarded by advertisements. Whether it is age-rewinding make-up or figure-flattering jeans, it seems that everyone is obsessed...
You Have Nine Hamstring Muscles
Everybody knows there are three hamstring muscles. Some people realize that there are actually four. Very few people recognize all nine. Are you ready to take your anatomy knowledge to the next...
Suspension Success: A Different Way to View Training
In the never-ending quest for fresh and innovative ways to keep clients motivated, it seems our industry has landed upon something truly unique. Suspension training, made popular by the...

The Ideal Way to Measure Fat Loss
“I haven’t lost any weight” is a statement most personal trainers dread. How do you address clients after they step off an unchanged scale? Sometimes their clothes fit better, but seeing the same...