Your “healthy” exercise program might be ruining your immune system. If you or your clients have been consistently feeling exhausted and drained after workouts or suffering too many colds this...
CEC Articles
Category for NFPT CEC articles (continuing education credits) containing information for NFPT-certified personal trainers to earn CECs.
Does Exercise Help Restless Leg Syndrome?
The right exercise at the right time can make a difference for clients suffering from RLS. “Purposeful movement” is typically seen as a healthy endeavor, but erratic restless movement can be less...
Intermittent Fasting – Is it the right approach?
Intermittent fasting is growing in popularity for its purported benefits including improved insulin sensitivity, weight loss, managing hunger cues, and increased fat burning (and this is just the...
Adenosine and its Role in ATP and Athletic Energy
Adenosine Triphosphate is present in every living cell of the body. It is also available as a dietary supplement. Each year, the supplementation industry spends millions of dollars on researching...
Maximize Triceps Muscle Exercises with Anatomy
What's the difference between doing triceps extensions with a pronated grip, supinated grip and neutral? This is a common question that arises about the many ways to strengthen the triceps. One of...
Does Exercise Improve Sleep Apnea?
We all know that exercise, sleep, and health are interconnected. Exercise can certainly improve sleep apnea, but to what extent and under what circumstances? Knowing about the sleep habits and...
What is a Ketogenic Diet?
Atkins Diet, South Beach, the Whole 30, Paleo and now Keto? What’s this all about? What does it mean and how can you educate your clients about the potential benefits and barriers? First, let’s take...
Understanding the Tibialis Posterior Muscle
When a client asks you, "What do you think about arch supports?" You can respond by educating them and connecting them to the tibialis posterior muscle. The tibialis posterior covers a lot of bone...
The Effects of Alcohol on Exercise and Performance
Is it ethical to recommend alcohol to our clients? An important aspect of professional personal training includes reminding clients of how important clean eating and appropriate hydration are in...
Maximizing Biceps Muscle Exercises
When personal trainers understand biceps anatomy and mechanics they're able to cue clients more effectively, address strength imbalances, minimize risk of injury, and enhance training results. You...