The Human Heart: we all have one, but how fully do we understand their function? How necessary for certified personal trainers is this understanding to developing an effective training regimen? I...
CEC Articles
Category for NFPT CEC articles (continuing education credits) containing information for NFPT-certified personal trainers to earn CECs.
Carb Timing and Type: Talking to Personal Training Clients about Carbohydrate Fueling
The timing of nutrient intake ranks as one of the most hotly debated issues in fitness. Whether one exercises in a fasted state or post-fueling, carb timing specifically can vary in effectiveness,...
Mighty Mitochondria: Powerhouses of the Cells
Mitochondria play a huge role in our energy levels and our metabolic functions. Can we help clients make the most of these cells’ power? As tiny as these organelles seem, mitochondria are the...
How to Set Up Virtual Fitness Classes
The novel coronavirus has spread rapidly around the world, claiming the lives of many, and leaving a feeling of danger for the majority of the rest of us. With social distancing and shelter from...
All Gyms Are Closed, Including Yours. Now What?
It has proven to be a challenge for all businesses that have been forced to close in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Big companies and small businesses are seeing less traffic, pushing them...
Workout Hangover? Blame Training, Not Alcohol
Have clients ever complained of experiencing unusual and daunting exhaustion after several intense sessions at the gym? In addition to a cascade of other physiological processes, he or she may have...
Harnessing BDNF: How Exercise Can Improve Brain Function
The effects of exercise are far-reaching when it comes to overall health and wellness, and science is revealing more and more every day. Most compelling is how much exercise, and specific ways of...
Is Your Libido Losing to Your Workouts?
The majority of avid exercisers make the mistake of monitoring muscle soreness when deciding whether their bodies are ready for yet another tough workout. However, overtraining – or...
Good News for Runners: It’s Good for Your Knees
The sport of running has always carried with it the stereotype that it might damage one’s knees. New research aims to change that perception, suggesting recreational running as a panacea for...
Brain Fitness: How Athletics Can Hone Mental Skills
We seldom question the physical benefits that exercise has on our bodies, but the benefits to the brain and higher functioning are not as regularly touted. How does being active and playing sports...