Though the exact method remains somewhat unclear, dietary nitrate (a source of nitric oxide or NO) appears to improve the contractile properties of human muscle. Find out how athletes utilize this...
CEC Articles
Category for NFPT CEC articles (continuing education credits) containing information for NFPT-certified personal trainers to earn CECs.
The Air Pressure is On: Running Against the Barometer
For years, athletes both recreational and professional have accepted the fact that running at higher elevations poses a unique challenge. The air density diminishes at high elevations, rendering the...
Oxidative Stress: Fighting the Free Radical Damage
Both scientific and anecdotal evidence consistently indicates that more active individuals tend to experience greater longevity and a reduced risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and many forms...
Leaky Gut Syndrome: Ailment Without Answers
Imagine trying to identify an “illness” about which medical schools never teach. Leaky gut syndrome falls into such a category and as of late, has gotten much attention. Experts have even gone so...
Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: A Pain in the Butt
When personal trainers think of a hamstring injury, we might picture a sprinter halting mid-sprint, grabbing the back of their thigh and wincing in pain. This is an accurate image, representing an...
Cracking the Egg Yolk Debate
At only a few inches tall, the humble egg holds surprising nutritional dominance, often touted as the “Gold Standard” of pure protein. From its vitamin content and macronutrient profile to its...
Medically Supervised Use of Weight Loss Drugs: Risk or Reward?
Personal training covers more ground than simply cultivating strength and building endurance. Many clients turn to us for weight-related health problems, and the two-pronged diet-exercise approach...
What Personal Training Style Gets the Best Results?
Every personal trainer has his or her own personal training style, or typical approach, taken with clients, or perhaps, each trainer takes a different approach with each client based on differing...
Magnesium and Physical Performance
Magnesium, zinc, and chromium are mineral elements required in modest amounts to maintain health and optimize physiologic function. For very active persons, such as personal training clients and...
BCAAs: Paradoxical Effect on Metabolism
Can a diet rich in Branched-Chain Amino Acids, or BCAAs, provide benefit or inflict harm with regard to stabilizing insulin levels? If the answer is the latter, would that place BCAAs in the...