Clients often present with what they call “tight muscles” which usually means the muscles are short and overactive and need to be lengthened and calmed down. I also frequently get requests to help...
CEC Articles
Category for NFPT CEC articles (continuing education credits) containing information for NFPT-certified personal trainers to earn CECs.
Understand the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load
Food consumed as fuel for life’s demanding activities not only provides energy, but also has a direct effect on circulating blood glucose levels. Understanding a food’s glycemic index and glycemic...
Nutritional Periodization: Fueling for the Work Ahead
Prudent nutrition plays a key role in promoting personal training clients' hypertrophy, power, and strength when coordinated expertly with resistance training. If we take that concept and adjust it...
Does Leucine Lessen Longevity? Unraveling Mysterious mTOR
The branched-chain amino acid leucine, long considered the kingpin of essentials for muscular growth, recently came under attack by some scientists as potentially lessening one’s lifespan. Read more...
Decisions, Decisions: Making Decisions About Health and Fitness
In the realm of fitness and wellness, much of our new clients' judgment may rely on anecdotal evidence, celebrity marketing influence, short/long-term goals, and popular slogans that have woven...
The Perks of Plant-Based Protein
The word “protein” hails from the Greek proteios, meaning “of prime importance”. Throughout history, meat-based meals have tended to reflect affluent lifestyles, relegating “substandard” plant-based...
Constructive Use of Proper Fueling: Pre- or Post-Workout Carbohydrates
When anticipating a morning workout, the timing of nutrient intake ranks as one of the most hotly debated issues in fitness. Whether one exercises in a fasted state or post-fueling, benefits to both...
Being Consistent In Exercise: How Personal Trainers Emphasize the Importance of Consistency
Every personal trainer knows unequivocally that being consistent in exercise and diet is most likely to produce desirable results. As obvious as this may be to us, don't mistakenly assume your...
Lengthen and Strengthen with a Weights-Pilates Format
When personal trainers hear the word “Pilates” specific images may be conjured up, such as a quiet room full of women extending their bodies in any variety of positions, or perhaps teetering on...
Can Cartilage be Regenerated?
Personal training clients may, from time to time, report some degree of cartilage damage or injury, frequently caused by overzealous participation in sports-related endeavors. Fortunately, there are...