Beginning clients usually don’t know what to expect with personal training sessions. They invest their time, their money, and their energy. Why not get the most out of it? Here are 10 helpful hints...
Client Relationships
Learn more about how to navigate personal trainer and client relationships.
Considerations for Working with Clients Affected by Obesity
As personal trainers, we are called to serve a variety of clients, including and most often, clients affected by overweight and obesity. As part of our work, we must exercise sensitivity and...
Loss Aversion: One of the Biggest Hurdles That Fit Pros and Their Clients Face
The concept of loss aversion may not be a familiar one to everyone in the fitness world but it can certainly be applied across many disciplines, especially health and fitness. According to Mark...
How to Convert Gym Members into Clients
While the start of 2021 has most gyms re-opened, they are still not at capacity in most states. Many folks have turned to in-home fitness options out of necessity. Remember that this format does not...
What Personal Training Style Gets the Best Results?
Every personal trainer has his or her own personal training style, or typical approach, taken with clients, or perhaps, each trainer takes a different approach with each client based on differing...
Customize a Race for Your Clients
Many races abound throughout the year, although most are virtual right now with the pandemic. In years unlike 2020, races include runs of varying distances (1-mile fun run, 5K, 10K, marathon, ultra...
Five Common Questions Fitness Clients Ask
Fitness clients are naturally curious about the structure and function of the body – especially as they begin to see and feel the physical adaptations to exercise and better nutrition. As such,...
Client Check-Ins: Checking in is Good for Business and Results
Name one tool that improves client’s outcomes, creates a stronger, longer-lasting relationship with clients, and improves overall revenues..? Check-Ins! Go the Extra Mile Creating a thorough process...
How to Handle Difficult Clients
Most of the time we have different types of clients who are easy to work with, who try their best. There are many personality traits and different views on exercise, so intentions will vary....
Structuring Feedback for Fitness Clients
Providing fitness clients balanced, constructive, and positive feedback about performance and progress is crucial to success. They rely on it in order to learn and grow. Without feedback, learning...