In part 1 of “Business is Booming with Baby Boomers” we discussed the possibility of increasing your business and some special considerations when working with this huge demographic. In today’s article, we are going to look at some of the benefits of working with, and how to effectively market to, Baby Boomers.

How to Market to Baby Boomers

Often, personal trainers use images of a sexy beach body or a ripped 6-pack as their marketing strategy. This isn’t going to resonate with the 55+ crowd like it does with the 20 somethings. Baby Boomers are less concerned about getting shredded and more concerned with being pain free, maintaining their strength, and being able to remain active and enjoy their retirement.


Focus on Benefits of Exercise – Your marketing should provide positive messages that focus on the benefits of your exercise program. Baby Boomers want to feel energized, youthful, and challenged.

Marketing Materials – In your ads use images of older adults participating in healthy activities, exercising, and enjoying life. It is important that prospective clients can identify with the people in your advertising.

Benefits of Working with Baby Boomers

They Rarely Cancel – Most of my retired clients are very good about keeping on schedule. Often, they look forward to their workouts as a time to socialize while doing something healthy.

They are Flexible – If retired, Baby Boomers are available to train with you during “off hours” while many of your clients are at work or in school. Training this group can fill these midday gaps.

Great Referral Sources – Baby Boomers tend to share their successes with their friends, and if you do right by them, they will recommend you.

They Have Discretionary Income – Those over the age of 45 make up for 52% of consumer spending and people older than 50 own 67% all the money in the nation. This means they can afford to pay for training. The average 30 year old is working long hours for little pay and buried under student loan debt. It is much more challenging for them to come up with extra money at the end of the month to pay for your services than your typical baby boomer.

I’ve interviewed several personal trainers that have switched their business model, more or less, to exclusively training Baby Boomers– and they love it. Their businesses are thriving and the best part is, since they have had clients throughout the day (even on “off hours”), they are done for the day by 6pm while most trainers are just ramping up for their night shift.

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Mike Kneuer is a professional health and fitness coach and retired pro physique athlete in Boca Raton, FL. He is passionate about health and fitness and helping others make positive life changes. Mike holds numerous advanced training certifications included 2 nutrition certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine and the International Sports Sciences Association. He has helped thousands of people around the world change the way they think about eating healthy foods and helped them reach their health and fitness goals by posting every meal he's eaten since 2012 on (@WhatMikeEats)