In our daily attempts to live healthy and productive lives, it helps to realize that good health encompasses so much more than just exercise and having a fit body. Fitness, health, and wellness interact in a coordinated fashion; therefore, we must take each of these aspects into consideration, ideally on a daily basis. One may live within a fit body and still lack the hallmarks of good health. In this article we attempt to illustrate the significant differences between wellness and fitness, while acknowledging their beautifully symbiotic relationship.

Understanding the Distinction

Wellness encapsulates one’s whole person, aiming to strike a balance between physical, mental and psychological homeostasis. A proactive approach to health, wellness focuses upon maintaining balance and harmony in every area of life. Rather than considering wellness as the absence of illness, we can think of it as a dynamic process of change and growth towards a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Fitness, on the other hand, relates to the body’s ability to perform physical activities effectively and efficiently. Fitness addresses physical health via the development of such attributes as strength, endurance, flexibility, body composition, conditioning and cardiovascular health. Fitness involves regular exercise and physical training to improve or maintain the body’s performance in various tasks, whether for daily activities, sports, or achieving specific physical goals.

Contrary to long-held beliefs, fitness can refer to much more than high-intensity exercises. It also includes activities like walking, cycling, swimming, yoga, and other forms of physical movement that contribute to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Different Terms, Different Goals

The goals of daily wellness encompass many attributes of overall health. Unlike fitness, wellness seeks to integrate balance into ALL areas of life, including physical, mental, emotional and social well-being. Consider the following ~

  • Mental Clarity: Enhancing cognitive function, focus, and emotional regulation.
  • Emotional Stability: Managing stress, building resilience, and cultivating a positive outlook.
  • Healthy Relationships: Fostering meaningful connections with others and improving social interactions.
  • Preventative Health: Engaging in behaviors that prevent illness and promote long-term health; these include adequate sleep, appropriate vaccinations and prudent nutrition.
  • Personal Fulfillment: Pursuing activities and hobbies that bring joy, satisfaction, and a sense of purpose, a sense of “self”.

Fitness goals tend more towards specific and measurable attributes and performance. Consider the following ~

  • Strength Building: Increasing muscle mass and improving overall strength.
  • Combating sedentary behavior: Structuring daily activities to include more active hours.
  • Cardiovascular Health: Enhancing heart and lung function through aerobic exercises like running, cycling, or swimming.
  • Flexibility and Mobility: Improving the range of motion in joints and muscles to prevent injury and enhance physical performance.
  • Endurance: Building the ability to sustain physical activity over longer periods without total fatigue.

Benefits of Each Compliment the Other

Wellness offers a wide range of benefits, including ~

  • Improved Mental Health: mindfulness, meditation, and stress management techniques can reduce anxiety and depression, enhance mental clarity, and improve overall emotional resilience.
  • Enhanced Emotional Well-Being: Engaging in activities that promote self-care, emotional expression, and positive relationships can lead to greater emotional stability and fulfillment.
  • Better Physical Health: Wellness encourages a balanced approach to health, including regular physical activity, proper nutrition, and preventative care, which can reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve overall longevity.
  • Strengthened Social Connections: Wellness emphasizes the importance of social well-being, fostering strong, supportive relationships that contribute to a sense of belonging and community.
  • Overall Life Satisfaction: By aligning daily habits with personal values and goals, wellness helps individuals find greater meaning and purpose in life.

Fitness-related benefits include ~

  • Physical Strength and Endurance: Regular exercise helps build muscle strength, increase endurance, and improve the body’s ability to perform daily tasks.
  • Improved Cardiovascular Health: Engaging in aerobic activities strengthens the heart and lungs, reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular conditions.
  • Weight Management: Fitness plays a key role in maintaining a healthy weight by building muscle and improving metabolism.
  • Enhanced Flexibility and Mobility: Stretching and flexibility exercises improve the range of motion in joints and muscles, reducing the risk of injury.
  • Mental Health Benefits: Physical activity releases endorphins, which can reduce stress, improve mood, and boost self-confidence.

Although wellness and fitness are distinct concepts, they complement each other and are both essential for achieving optimal health.

Integrating and Blending These 2 Concepts

Lifestyle coaches and professionals often find themselves called upon to integrate fitness into a wellness routine. This does not prove as daunting as one might expect. From the time we enter grade school, physical education plays a crucial role by providing structured programs that promote physical activity from childhood to adulthood. Once accustomed to regular physical activity, we learn that it not only improves physical health but also boosts mental/ emotional well-being through the reduction of stress and increasing energy levels.

As we enter adulthood, a focus on wellness practices such as mindfulness, stress management, and healthy eating can enhance fitness outcomes by supporting recovery, preventing burnout, and promoting a balanced approach to life.

While physical fitness will forever remain at the heart of an exercise professional’s work, we can simultaneously identify the key elements of wellness for a balanced life and explore why wellness deserves special attention in today’s busy, overscheduled world.

Professionally typically talk about the eight-dimensional windows to well-being. Below we highlight and elucidate these great eight aspects to promote thinking towards harmony and balance in daily life ~

  • Physical: Personal care of the body to stay healthy, regular exercise, smart and sustainable nutrition and sufficient sleep.
  • Intellectual: Always remain open and curious, a “student of life”.
  • Emotional: Managing not only your emotions but also taking into account and validating other people’s feelings.
  • Social: Work to maintain healthy, caring, and honest relationships with friends of all gender types. Choose to integrate yourself within the community so you can help create positive change.
  • Spiritual: Whether or not you choose organized religion as part of your life, aim to find and participate in activities that align with your beliefs, morals, ethics and values.
  • Career: Ensure that your job/career affords you sufficient personal satisfaction and enrichment that aligns with your values, goals, and lifestyle.
  • Financial: Strive to live within your means, leaving room for savings, prudent spending, and long-term financial goals.
  • Environmental: In order to protect the planet, consider how daily choices might affect the environment, and work to make any necessary changes.

When a person feels balanced and healthy, all of the aforementioned areas of life fall into place within daily lifestyle habits.

How To Strike the Ideal Balance

Many of us navigate life optimally by establishing and adhering to a set schedule. This works well for most, but tends to disregard the possibility of any aberrations that life often throws our way. If we miss a workout, it may send us into a tailspin of time crunching and guilt, thereby undoing weeks of wellness self-care.

Finding the balance between these two worlds takes time, thought, and a built-in allowance for grace. Below we outline some key tips to remember ~

  1. Listen to what your body tells you
    Pay attention to how you feel, adjusting your fitness routine accordingly. Rest when needed.
  2. Self-care does not mean selfish
    Take care of your mental and emotional well-being by carving out time for activities that bring serenity and joy to your soul.
  3. Seek out exercise modes that you truly enjoy
    This will make adherence to a regular fitness routine much easier. Perhaps consider working out with a reliable friend.
  4. Seek the assistance of a professional
    Consider training with a fitness professional or wellness coach who can provide expert advice and support.
  5. A well-rounded approach goes the distance
    Knowing that fitness and wellness go hand in hand, strive for balance by incorporating various aspects of both into your daily life.

What Does a Balanced Lifestyle Add Besides Overall Well-Being?

Feeling strong, fit, and able to cope with challenges of everyday life sounds ideal, right? Believe it or not, more components exist to further enhance every moment of the day. We may not always consider the myriad scientific studies going on around the world; yet such research helps us understand the benefits awaiting us at the intersection of Wellness and Fitness.

Physical fitness enjoys a long and strong alliance with improved mental status. The collective data culled from studies performed in England and published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine indicates that individuals who engage in regular physical activity experience reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression, improved self-esteem, and higher levels of cognitive functioning. Data also supports how higher levels of aerobic fitness coincided with a reduced risk of developing any of a number of mental health disorders. Both cardiovascular conditioning and resistance training played a key role in influencing memory, attention span and executive brain functions.

 While adequate nights of sleep play a key role in our health – physical as well as emotional — one study sought to determine the effect of exercise, if any, on the quality of sleep.

The data, published in the journal Sleep, indicate that physical exercise does significantly improve one’s sleep quality. Going a few steps further, an active daily lifestyle may reduce the amount of time it takes to actually fall asleep, as well as decreasing episodes of sleepiness experienced during the daytime hours.

A study which reported data in the Journal of the American Medical Association looked at the relationship between aerobic fitness levels and mortality rates. As expected, the study emphasized that improving fitness levels through regular exercise can significantly enhance wellness while also increasing life expectancy.

Blending Fitness and Wellness in the Workplace

In today’s mobile world and economy, many workplaces have abandoned time in the office in favor of allowing employees to work from home or other remote sites. However, for those still adhering to a traditional model, maintaining employee health seems even more of a necessity than ever before.  These days, many CEO’s have incorporated employee wellness programs to keep workers healthy on a physical as well as mental level.

By putting into place some fun, creative and inviting programs, employers have discovered that they can facilitate a healthier work environment and may even promote morale and bonding among employees.  Healthier and happier employees lead directly to a reduction in healthcare costs for employers. Such programs may include creative fitness challenges, health risk assessments, free counseling for mental health support, and educational opportunities (brown-bag seminars, etc.) to help employees learn about and adopt healthier lifestyle habits.

The Bottom Line

In the process of seeking the perfectly balanced lifestyle, we must often take a hard look at our current lifestyle patterns. What schedules are we willing to alter? How/What are we willing to compromise/give up in an effort to make time for everything? These answers require some tough thinking, but the results will speak for themselves ~

  • Assess Your Current Lifestyle: identify areas needing improvement fitness, such as levels/frequency of physical activity, nutrition, sleep patterns, stress triggers and social engagement.
  • Set Reasonable Goals: goals should remain somewhat fluid/flexible, but always achieved within a reasonable amount of time. For goals focusing upon wellness, this may include practicing mindfulness, improving sleep quality, or setting aside time for daily meditation as a means of reducing stress. Typical fitness goals could involve increasing running distance, cultivating greater hypertrophy or muscular strength, or including flexibility moves at the end of a workout session.
  • Monitor Your Progress: Keep track of goals/achievements and make adjustments if necessary. Watching the “good news” pile up always works to keep momentum flowing.


Cathleen Kronemer

Cathleen Kronemer is an NFPT CEC writer and a member of the NFPT Certification Council Board. Cathleen is an AFAA-Certified Group Exercise Instructor, NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer, ACE-Certified Health Coach, former competitive bodybuilder and freelance writer. She is employed at the Jewish Community Center in St. Louis, MO. Cathleen has been involved in the fitness industry for over three decades. Feel free to contact her at She welcomes your feedback and your comments!