Wouldn’t it be great if our clients exercised religiously between training sessions? Unfortunately, many clients are short on time, but want to see results. Good news! With a little planning and a multitasking mentality, you can help your client make it happen by showing them how to add activity and movement into their day to contribute to their overall energy expenditure.

It doesn’t have to be a Boot Camp or spin class; there are ways to incorporate movement every single day with daily tasks. By making simple modifications, your client can get in some quick exercises even when time is limited. The idea is to keep them moving and making exercise a part of their daily regimen.

Here are 10 super easy ways to help your client add activity:

1. Park in the back of the parking lot. An oldie but a goodie. Suggest parking further away to add some steps to their trek (in safe areas). This could be at the grocery store, a mall, an employee parking lot, or going to an appointment.
2. Return the grocery cart. Instead of unloading groceries and returning the cart to a convenient holding bin, take it back to the store. It only adds a minute or two to your schedule while getting in more steps.
3. Take the stairs. Skip the elevator and opt for the stairs—even if it’s only for a few floors!
Add Activity24. Keep a dumbbell under the desk. When reading over notes or emails, suggest to your client that they do some bicep curlsor one arm rows. Your client can also carry the weights in each hand while walking to the breakroom or copy center. This might even inspire your client’s coworkers and you might land some new clients!
5. Walk to the mailbox. If your client’s mailbox is located by the street, suggest that he or she not stop on the way driving into the driveway or garage. If your client parks the car and walks back to the mailbox to retrieve the mail, a few more steps are added to the count.
6. Use the broom (or shovel). Instead of using a motorized blower to blow off leaves or debris from a sidewalk or porch, your client can get the trusty broom out and sweep. Sweeping allows for arm movement and it gets the heart pumping big time making it a fantastic way to add activity.
7. Skip the chair. Instead, recommend that your client sit on a balance ball. Watching TV or working at the computer while seated on a balance ball works on balance and builds core strength.
8. Balance on one leg. Have your client get ready for the day balancing on one foot. He or she can use the hairdryer, shave, put on make-up, brush teeth or do whatever primping they do all on one foot. Alternate as one leg tires and add a few leg lifts with the opposite leg on each side to challenge the gluteus medius. This uses core and leg strength while improving balance, without taking up any extra time.
9. Squat. Add squats while fixing dinner, doing household chores, during commercial breaks, or every half hour at work to break away from the desk. A few squats here and a few squats there will add up for some lower body strength and endurance.
10. Tighten the booty. By tightening glute muscles when seated, your client can get a little gluteus maximus workout. Think how many times this can be done, like when riding in a passenger seat, having a meal, working at a desk, or reading a book.

Add Activity1You have some great ideas of how to add activity to share with your client and try out yourself! Advise your client to put sticky notes around his or her home and office as reminders to keep moving. Before long, it will become a habit for them to sneak in some exercise even on the busiest days between training sessions.

Kim Becknell Williams is a freelance writer with more than ten years of personal training experience. Certified through NFPT, she is a Functional Training Specialist and holds a Master Trainer level certificate for resistance, endurance and sports nutrition. Kim has written two books including Gym Etiquette 101. She enjoys writing a variety of lifestyle articles and fitness blogs.