The Psychology of Worthiness: Part 2- The Art of Transforming Health Behaviors into Non-Negotiables
In my previous article, I explored the research surrounding behavioral change and its impact on long-term health and vitality, particularly through Dr. Gabrielle Lyon’s (2023; 2022) Muscle-Centric Medicine (MCM) paradigm. Now, I aim to shift the focus toward a more...
Reading Nutrition Labels: Guiding Personal Training Clients Through Recent Changes
Nutrition plays a pivotal role in achieving fitness goals, and understanding...
This Sweet Truth May Turn Your Protein Shake Sour: The Effects of Artificial Sweeteners
Is it possible for a “clean” protein source to work against your...
Exercise Science
Modifications to Contraindicated Exercises: Playing It Safe in the Gym
Many of the traditional exercises which we either learned en route to getting...
Readjusting the Scales: Striking a Balance Between Body Neutrality and Body Positivity
At this time of year, many individuals begin thinking of getting into better...

Coaching Body Awareness for Personal Training Clients: A Secret to Success
What has helped me to be successful as a coach from the beginning of my 20+ years career as a...

Wind Sprints: How to Effectively Train Personal Training Clients for Speed
Wind sprints have secured a prominent place among today’s vast array of personal training options....

Winning Seasoned Fitness Enthusiasts as A-List Personal Training Clients
Winning over seasoned fitness enthusiasts into new personal training clients can seem like a...

Getting Started as a Personal Trainer
Whether you have graduated with an exercise science degree or are jumping into the personal...

Stretching and Improving Flexibility: Everything Personal Trainers Need to Know
Flexibility training is comprised of many stretching approaches and should be an integral part of...

Fun, Functional Movement for Young Clients With Limb Weakness
Lower limb weakness can present in children and young people who are diagnosed with muscular...
This Sweet Truth May Turn Your Protein Shake Sour: The Effects of Artificial Sweeteners
Is it possible for a “clean” protein source to work against your muscle-gaining goals and harbor...
Rucking: A Weighted Hike for Health and Fitness
The military’s practice of marching with a weighted pack on one’s back, or “rucking”, aims to...
Vertical Push: Fundamental Technique, Variations, Cueing, and Modifications
Vertical push exercises command attention, both in the gym and beyond, for their ability to...
Positive Body Image Marketing in Personal Training
For any fitness enthusiast interested in breaking into the fitness industry and become a personal...
Seasonal Affective Disorder: How Personal Trainers Can Help Clients See the Light
For winter sports enthusiasts, the onset of colder weather signals the beginning of snow-related...
How the Les Mills Gen Z Study Can Ignite Your Personal Training Business
In 2023 Les Mills Gen Z conducted a study titled, “Gen Z Fitness: Cracking the Code” based on a...