Pre-Workout Checklist: Is Supplementation Necessary?
As the name would imply, pre-workout supplements claim to boost energy levels, improve strength and endurance, and increase focus prior to engaging in a tough workout. Some supplements market themselves as geared toward building muscle, while others might aim to stave...
How CBD Interacts with Pre-Workout Supplements
Workout supplements aim to improve endurance, enhance exercise efficiency, and...
Unintended Consequences of “Clean Eating” for Fitness Clients
"Clean eating" has become yet another fitness buzz phrase as of late. I...
Exercise Science
The Power of Endorphins
Runner's "high" is so-called because of the euphoria associated with the...
Proper Warm-up and Movement Prep: The Warm-Up IS the Workout for Personal Training Clients
For many of our personal training clients, the one area of training that...
5 Tactics to Get Fitness Clients Excited to Move
Motivation changes from day-to-day. Our clients (and we) all experience dips in motivation and...
How to Support Cellular Health: The Five “R’s”
Materials in our environment can have an alarming impact on our health: our food, our water, even...
How Toxins Can Cause Cellular Damage
Cellular energy is a must for athletic performance. Challenges to cellular energy include...
The Magnitude of Experience: What We Can’t Learn in Books
Studying and passing exams, getting our continuing ed creds, and completing extra certs are all a...
How To Do the Bottoms Up Kettlebell Shoulder Press
Pressing overhead properly requires adequate shoulder mobility along with proper core bracing to...
Jarrod Lacy–NFPT Personal Trainer Spotlight
Meet Jarrod Lacy, a 29-year-old husband and father hailing from Pueblo, CO. Jarrod is a proud...
Essential Leg Exercises for Basketball Players
Thoughtful leg conditioning can provide basketball players with greater strength and coordination...
How Exercise and Diet Influence Key Hormones and Metabolism
How physical activity and diet change our personal training clients' bodies is indeed top of mind...
Diet Culture Lies Debunked
Diet culture is loud. It’s pervasive. It’s promoted and celebrated by individuals who are (mostly)...
Forearm Flexor Anatomy: Locating the Flexors of the Wrist and Fingers
The flexors of the wrist and fingers are used every time a dumbbell is curled, a treadmill bar is...
Five Things Never to Say to a Personal Trainer
If you've been in the fitness industry long enough, you may field questions that would make any...
Decisions, Decisions: Making Decisions About Health and Fitness
In the realm of fitness and wellness, much of our new clients' judgment may rely on anecdotal...