Readjusting the Scales: Striking a Balance Between Body Neutrality and Body Positivity
At this time of year, many individuals begin thinking of getting into better shape to kick off the New Year. While this always remains a laudable goal, it often goes awry, leading some down a dangerous path of disordered eating and/or striving for a potentially...
Teaching Fitness Clients About Effective Pre-Workout Fueling
Exercise is a physical demand; it requires work and energy to complete that...
Understand the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load
Food consumed as fuel for life’s demanding activities not only provides...
Exercise Science
Wind Sprints: How to Effectively Train Personal Training Clients for Speed
Wind sprints have secured a prominent place among today’s vast array of...
Rucking: A Weighted Hike for Health and Fitness
The military’s practice of marching with a weighted pack on one’s back, or...

10 Rules for Fitness After 40
The average age of over half of personal training clients is 45 years old. Over the past 13 years...

Boxing Workout for Bootcamp: The “2 to 20’s”
I love using Boxing Workouts when running a Bootcamp! They’re fun, a great workout, and they allow...

The Versatile Stability Ball
The stability ball, also known as a Swiss ball, physio ball, balance ball, or even Yoga ball, is a...

The Power of the Regular Walk Break
Walking has clear benefits for the body and mind. It improves cardiorespiratory health, reduces...

Recovering from Coronasomnia
If your clients have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, struggle with stress, intrusive...

Recognizing and Correcting Gluteal Dysfunction
Gluteal dysfunction can be a common problem among our personal training clients and can lead to a...

Recognizing Concussion in Combat Sports
In karate, kickboxing and/or mixed martial arts the two contenders bow to one another,...

Post-Pandemic Gym Modification Rundown
For our clients who have experience working out in fitness centers pre-pandemic, they will likely...

The Link Between Plant-Sourced Proteins and Blood Pressure
Amino acids may form the foundation of all proteins; however, only a select few hold the potential...

The Importance of Post-Workout Meal Timing: Myth or Mandatory?
Prudent personal trainers know that both training stimuli and nutrient consumption affect...

Bariatric Surgery: Preparation, Recovery, Long-Term Care
For fitness clients living with obesity and struggling to successfully lose weight, bariatric...

The Importance of Hip Stability in Runners
Training a runner? Here is why hip stability should be a primary focus of your personal training...