The Psychology of Worthiness: Part 1 – The Science of Helping Clients Commit to Long-Term Muscle Health
Muscle health is integral to Dr. Gabrielle Lyon’s Muscle-Centric Medicine (MCM) approach, which links physical well-being to an individual’s self-worth and the psychological factors that promote sustainable behavior change. In this series, we have examined the...
The Gut Microbiome and Our Health
Perhaps the time-worn expression “having a gut feeling” holds more potency...
Can Ice Cream Help Diabetics Reduce Cardiovascular Risks?
Recent research has surprised scientists and befuddled nutrition experts by...
Exercise Science
Strength in Balance: Innovative Techniques to Enhance Stability and Prevent Injuries
Image Options: 109497998 174949772 194667969 43951860 180638554 We require a...
Building Sustainable Revenue: Turning Muscle-Centric Medicine into a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
In today’s fitness landscape, where trends often eclipse substance, personal...
Alternative Lower Back Squat Exercises to Try: Give the Low Back a Break
Do you or your personal training clients love training heavy back squats for strength, but feel...
The Jason Voorhees Workout
The 6'5" 303 pound Jason Voorhees was not a small guy. He was, of course, much smaller when, at...
Activities of Daily Life and Posture: What Personal Trainers Need to Know
How much does our personal training clients' posture truly affect back pain? And what do...
Get More Personal Training Clients – A Three Week Challenge
Getting more personal training clients is all about consistency and creativity. It is quite...
Myostatin: Medical Breakthrough May Lead Athletes Astray
Any serious athlete knows that good results take time. Dedication to training, proper nutrition,...
Gut Reaction: Neurotransmitters Serotonin, Dopamine, and Gut Health Synergy
The gut, aside from its primary role in absorption, blood sugar regulation, and nutrient...

The Gut Microbiome and Our Health
Perhaps the time-worn expression “having a gut feeling” holds more potency than any of us...
4 Steps to Empower Personal Training Clients to Master Their Solo Workouts
As a certified personal trainer, one of the most fulfilling moments is when my client tells me...
Personal Training Heart Attack Survivors
With heart disease being the number one cause of death in the US, it is quite possible that a...

Why Sleep and Recovery Is So Important For Personal Training Clients
While in pursuit of body and health improvements, many people focus on things like workout...
Gym Etiquette 101: What Personal Trainers Should Teach Their Clients.
Gym etiquette plays an important role in any gym, and personal trainers have an obligation to...
How Generative AI Can Help Personal Trainers: The Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence
Personal training can be a challenging profession, requiring an individual to meet the needs of...