Fueling the Exercise Engines: Energy Systems Explained
The human body derives energy from food in order to fuel exercise movement as well as every essential bodily function. As ingeniously created machines, our bodies can manufacture energy in a variety of ways. Read on to learn about different sources of energy utilized...
Exploring the Pro’s and Cons of Creatine Use
The topic of whether to take over-the-counter supplements as a way of gaining...
Giving DNA its Due: Designing a Genetically-Based Workout Program
As personal trainers -- and those aspiring to the field -- surely know, every...
Exercise Science
Getting to the “Sole” of the Debate: Squatting With or Without Shoes
A majority of fitness centers across the country require members to wear...
Biohacking Offers a Pathway to Achieving Personal Goals
Biohacking, an emerging term and trend these days, refers to incremental...

Wellness and Fitness: Different Sides of the Same Coin
In our daily attempts to live healthy and productive lives, it helps to realize that good health...

Personal Trainers Can Positively Influence Public Health Initiatives
Physical inactivity, and the health problems that follow in its wake, recently attained pandemic...

Creating Inclusive Spaces for Fitness Clients
Fitness, when presented properly and professionally, boasts the capacity to transcend borders,...

Exploring the Pro’s and Cons of Creatine Use
The topic of whether to take over-the-counter supplements as a way of gaining an athletic edge...

Knee Anatomy, Common Injuries, and Exercise Programming Guidance
Knee pain and complaints are common among personal training clients. A clear understanding of the...

Mindfulness in Personal Training
Mindfulness as a practice has been exploding in popularity, making its way into professional...
Top 10 Ideas for Trainers and Their Post-Menopausal Clients
Fitness encompasses more than a woman’s physical body. It extends to her emotions, her spirit, and...

Sell Value, Not Time
If, as a personal trainer, you get caught up exclusively in selling one-hour packages instead of...

Powering Through Perimenopause With Strength Training
Perimenopause, the transitional period before menopause, signals the lessening of estrogen levels...

Keeping Clients Engaged and Motivated: A Trainer’s Guide
Client retention is the backbone of a successful personal training business. While expertise in...

Trainers Can Go Beyond Exercise and Integrate the Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine into Client Workouts
Lifestyle medicine, a branch of evidence-based healthcare emphasizing disease prevention over...

Become a Full-Time Personal Trainer: Transitioning from Another Career
Transitioning to a new career in personal training from your current, bill-paying career doesn't...