The Unique Exercise Needs of Breast/Ovarian Cancer Survivors
In the United States alone, 3 million individuals have survived breast cancer; experts predict this number will increase by another million survivors within the next ten years. Healthy lifestyle habits, with an emphasis on regular physical activity, positively...
Ketone Drinks
With ketogenic diets being popular to try but not easy to adhere to diets...
Are the Dietary Guidelines Sugar-Coated?
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of...
Exercise Science
10 Best Exercises to Build a Better Squat
The squat is a true test of lower body strength. Any serious commercial,...
Benefits of Plank: Emerging Research on Strength and Immune Function
Recent research has shown there to be even more benefits of plank exercise...
Using the Five “Whys” to Identify Personal Training Client Wants and Needs While Goal-Setting
When we first meet with a client, it is standard practice of effective personal trainers to have...

Acromioplasty vs. Rotator Cuff Repair
As one of the most complicated joints, the shoulder can perform six different motions, making it...
The Electrolytes Sodium and Potassium
The term "electrolytes" gets thrown around a lot with not much more understanding beyond "you need...
How CBD Interacts with Pre-Workout Supplements
Workout supplements aim to improve endurance, enhance exercise efficiency, and help to quickly...
A 25-Minute, No-Equipment Workout for Your Fitness Clients
A workout doesn’t have to be lengthy or involve expensive equipment to be effective, fun, and...
How to Improve Internal Hip Rotation
We recently established how a lack of internal hip rotation, or HIRD (hip internal rotation...
The Importance of Internal Hip Rotation and How to Improve It
A body lacking internal hip rotation is like a car with no back wheels. Sure, it might keep going,...
Encouraging Exercise with Chronic Kidney Disease
The association between physical exercise and the overall health of patients with chronic renal...
Unintended Consequences of “Clean Eating” for Fitness Clients
"Clean eating" has become yet another fitness buzz phrase as of late. I frequently hear statements...
How to Raise Rates and Retain Clients
As a fit pro, how many times have you needed to raise rates because our rent or lease payment went...
Ground Reaction Force and Running Form
Running is a popular form of exercise and an effective way for our clients to boost cardiovascular...
Mistakes Personal Trainers Make: The Fit Pros Tell All
Studying, getting certified, and obtaining continuing education credits (CECs) are all part of...