Embracing The Skin You’re In: Eating and Training for Body Types
Each individual arrives at the gym with his own unique somatotype, or body shape. Optimizing training and nutritional intake to match genetic physical predisposition can help our clients progress from “just working out” to successfully creating the fit physiques they...
Chew on This: Why Mastication is Important for Fitness Clients
For most people, the topic of mastication is about as sexy as watching Phoenix...
Leaky Gut Syndrome: Ailment Without Answers
Imagine trying to identify an “illness” about which medical schools never...
Exercise Science
Understanding Hip Flexion
Hip flexion happens every time you step, squat, sit, and revolve on a bike....
Is Lactic Acid an Energy Boost or Drain?
All personal trainers and their clients should be familiar with what the...
Real-Life Skills Transfer to Personal Training
Transferable skills refer to those actions that we can apply across various industries and roles....
Constructive Use of Proper Fueling: Pre- or Post-Workout Carbohydrates
When anticipating a morning workout, the timing of nutrient intake ranks as one of the most hotly...
Are There Bad Exercises?
We've all heard it from someone before about various movements: "Ugh, that'll wreck your...
Being Consistent In Exercise: How Personal Trainers Emphasize the Importance of Consistency
Every personal trainer knows unequivocally that being consistent in exercise and diet is most...
Instilling Routine: Long-term Training Leads to Lasting Lifestyle Changes
If you do something long enough, it will eventually stick with you. This goes for...
Best Personal Training Software and Platforms
As most personal trainers have been forced out of in-person training for most of 2020 discovered,...
Lengthen and Strengthen with a Weights-Pilates Format
When personal trainers hear the word “Pilates” specific images may be conjured up, such as a quiet...
Stride Right for Fitness and Health
Human strides truly are what made us who we were for Paleolithic hunting and gathering ways and...
AGEs and Glycation: How One Metabolic Process Can Impair Many Health Outcomes
The process of glycation (or, non-enzyme glycosylation) in the body may be an unfamiliar one to...
Can Cartilage be Regenerated?
Personal training clients may, from time to time, report some degree of cartilage damage or...
Six Soft Skills Every Personal Trainer Needs
All personal trainers must possess a solid foundational knowledge of exercise science,...
The Turkish Get-Up: How to Do It and Why You Should
Few people care about mobility until they can't move. Getting up and down from the floor isn't...