Pre-Workout Kitchen Science: Homemade Alternatives for Exercise Energy
In a previous article, we presented varying viewpoints on the necessity of pre-workout supplementation. Here we explore a more holistic approach to pre-workout nutrition. Read on to learn some of the research on this topic as well as some delicious energy-packed and...
The Role of Protein Intake in Keto Athletes
Many of your clients and athletes may have realized weight loss success on a...
How Veggie-Based Nitrates Enhance Muscle Function
Could dark green leafy vegetables soon join the list of elite pre/post-workout...
Exercise Science
Plyometrics: The Whys, the Do’s and the Don’t’s
Plyometrics can be beneficial for both athletes and general personal training...
Importance of Proper Form and Cueing in Personal Training
"Proper form first." This core concept should be the driving force of our...
John Barnes Myofascial Release Approach: A Gentle, Effective Manual Therapy
If you haven’t heard about John Barnes Myofascial Release Approach, you and your personal training...
Functional Range Conditioning: Unlock Hidden Joint Potential
Clients often present with what they call “tight muscles” which usually means the muscles are...
Sitting Strategies: Helping Fitness Clients Undo a Day at the Desk
The COVID-19 global pandemic rocked this world and continues to impact us all daily. Many...
Teaching Fitness Clients About Effective Pre-Workout Fueling
Exercise is a physical demand; it requires work and energy to complete that work. There’s this...
Twelve Days of Fitness Challenge
Inspired by the 12 Days of Christmas song, I've devised a "12 Days of Fitness Challenge." Whether...
R.J. Noriz–NFPT Personal Trainer Spotlight
Meet Ramon Noriz, better known as R.J. He is 23 years old and from a small town in Arizona called...
Can You Sleep Too Much?
Too much sleep isn't good or bad but it is telling us something. Ten or more hours of sleep is too...
Holiday Hacks for Hosts and Feasters
The holidays are officially here! While this is a time of merriment, gathering, and, of course,...
Help Fitness Clients Shift Their Mindset
The holiday season is fast approaching, and we are entering a time where fitness clients...
Bootcamp Workout Idea: The Kettlebell AMRAP
If you’re a fitness professional currently running bootcamp-type classes, you’ll understand the...
Understand the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load
Food consumed as fuel for life’s demanding activities not only provides energy, but also has a...
Do’s and Don’ts When Working with Pregnant Clients
Despite being in a crucial stage, pregnant women don’t get enough guidance when it comes to their...