Getting to the “Sole” of the Debate: Squatting With or Without Shoes
A majority of fitness centers across the country require members to wear closed-toed athletic shoes when lifting weights and engaging in other aerobic-type endeavors. Whether a matter of safety (protecting delicate bones in the feet in case someone nearby drops a...
Ketone Applications: Moving Beyond Fat-Burning and Towards Healing
Accumulating evidence suggests that any athletically-inclined individual can...
The Nutrisense Tool: Monitoring Blood Sugar
When it comes to helping clients get results that benefit them physically and...
Exercise Science
Beyond Anatomy: Preparing New Trainers to Tackle Common Client Questions
After receiving any nationally-recognized Personal Trainer Certification, most...
Understanding The Kinetic Chain Theory and Application
The kinetic chain concept in fitness, based largely upon mechanical...

Simple Steps to a Personal Training Business Plan and Pitch: The Formula for Success
Having a pitch and plan is essential for your personal training business the same way diet and...

6 Personal Training Client Recruitment Strategies That Actually Work
Finding personal training client recruitment strategies that work for you is key to staying in the...

Understanding Hip Flexion
Hip flexion happens every time you step, squat, sit, and revolve on a bike. Another way to...

Job Opportunity “Red Flags” Personal Trainers Should Look For
How can a personal trainer know if a job opportunity is worth the investment in time and...

Consequences of Zero Rest Days
Making progress is not about hustling all the time, never pressing pause, or having an infinite...
Is Lactic Acid an Energy Boost or Drain?
All personal trainers and their clients should be familiar with what the "burn" associated with...
Why is it Important to Improve Hand Dexterity?
Personal trainers spend a lot of time with clients strengthening arms, legs, and core, working on...
The “Kettlebell 300”: Kettlebell Workout for Bootcamp
I’m a huge fan of using Kettlebells in Bootcamp type workouts. I’ve previously written a blog on...
4 Ways to Energize Fitness Clients
Training sessions can do a lot of things for our clients. We show them how to gain strength,...
Tips to Sustain Client Engagement in Online Fitness Challenge Groups
If you are an online trainer or coach utilizing a hybrid model of both in-person and online...
Is Athleticism Genetic?
Is athleticism genetic? We often use the phrase “natural-born athlete” to describe one who excels...
Runner’s Knee Isn’t Limited to Runners
Runner’s knee is a broad term used to describe pain felt from various knee problems. Typically, it...