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Pain management without opioid use

With all the buzz about opioid addiction being an epidemic in this country, it’s disconcerting that those seeking relief from chronic pain symptoms without turning to narcotic drugs are hard pressed to find support in the Western medicine model of treatment. It seems...

How to do Dyna Disc Crunches

Emphasis The primary muscles used Rectus Abdominis, external obliques, internal obliques and transverse abdominis. The secondary muscles are the erector spinae. Starting Position Place dyna disc under low back. The closer to the tail bone the more difficult. Start...

How to do Lying Tricep Extensions

Emphasis The primary muscles stressed in this movement are the muscles in the back of your upper arm (tricep - long and medial head). The secondary muscles stressed are the muscles in your forearms and bicep. Starting Position Lay on your back on a bench keeping your...

How to do Reverse Tricep Pushdown

Emphasis The primary muscles stressed in this movement are the muscles in the back of your upper arm (tricep - long head). The secondary muscles stressed are the muscles in your forearms and bicep. Starting Position Grip the bar with under grip (palms facing up). Your...

How to do V-Bar Tricep Pushdowns

Emphasis The primary muscles stressed in this movement are the muscles in the back of your upper arm (tricep - short head). The secondary muscles stressed are the muscles in your forearms and bicep. Starting Position Grip the v-bar whit a slight over grip when your...