An educated and informed personal trainer can be of tremendous help to post-stroke clients. Gym facilities are famous for their extensive array of mirrors on the fitness floors. By taking advantage of this, a trainer can carefully guide a client through the...
Cathleen Kronemer
Personal Training a Client With Meniere’s Disease
What does your diet have to do with balance? Quite a bit! Especially for people who have Meniere's disease. For these clients, spatial experience is significantly different than the average person working toward balance goals, warranting extra attention from their...
Does Exercise Lower or Raise Cortisol Levels
Are you stressing your personal training clients out by altering cortisol levels during exercise? We all know that there is a sweet spot when it comes to exercise. So, is the “Stress Hormone” cortisol an athlete’s friend or foe? The answers may surprise you! Cortisol...
Behind the Scenes of a Personal Trainer’s Workout
What if personal trainers could workout with each other more often? That would be fun! Enter in to my fitness training mind as I walk you through the way I think about my personal fitness, which trickles over to how I train clients. A few years ago, one of my coaches...
Cycling: A Successful Ride For Parkinson’s Patients
Making a difference in the lives of Parkinson's patients may be easier than personal trainers realize, with one piece of equipment you've probably got right in front of you: a stationary bike. All it takes is some education in the details and willingness to reach out...
Successful Stroke Rehabilitation
Stroke and its aftermath remain a leading cause of long-term disability in the United States, a fact that fitness professionals should be well-aware of. Each year, in the United States alone, approximately 700,000 people suffer a stroke. 50% of men and women under the...
Some Clients Need Lunge Exercise Alternatives
Surely as a competent personal trainer you encourage clients to get outside their comfort zone, understanding that each client requires a tailored training program. Yet, it's easy to get into a fitness programming groove. Especially because exercises like lunges and...
Hypertrophy…Of The Brain?
A brief glance in the mirror during a strength training session clearly reveals a fairly accurate picture of what is happening to the body with each repetition. We train our biceps hard, and (ideally!) they grow in response to the stimulus placed upon them. Be it...
Rhabdomyolysis: The Life-Threatening Effects of Muscle Breakdown
Exertional rhabdomyolysis is a fairly unknown and rare, but dangerous consequence of overtraining that every certified personal trainer should become aware of. Read on to find out more about this condition, its deleterious effects, and the signs to look for What is...
Prevent Drowsy Driving by Staying Awake the Healthy Way
Exercise can save your life in more than one way. It prevents disease yes, but also enhances alertness when done properly and combined with good nutrition. Many people seek out fitness to boost their energy levels. How many think to use it when feeling sleepy behind...
Exercise And The Common Cold Conundrum
Do you “Starve a cold, Feed a fever”, vice versa, or neither? I’m a big believer in trying to increase fluids to help rid an ailing body of virus germs. Aside from that, I usually push through any incidental cold or sniffles and carry on with my usual plans. Many of...
The Difference Between Try and Triumph
The word "helpful" seems to be weaved within the role of personal trainer. Making a difference in the lives of others happens naturally in this field. However, being a truly triumphant trainer is something special to strive for. My mother taught me many things as I...
Show Off Your Body Imperfections
We all wish to put our best foot forward, and present ourselves in the most flattering light to the world around us. Yet somewhere along the line society has stripped us of our right to decide just what that feels and looks like even though this deserves to be an...
Does Training Together Benefit a Relationship?
Training together as a couple in a romantic relationship can have numerous benefits. According to Amy Baglan, CEO and founder of, “Relationships and fitness go hand in hand. They are both hard work but worth it.” We might not have made this connection...
Seeing Red: Advocating For Women’s Heart Health
As we are all aware, healthy lives do not begin and end with fitness alone. Lifestyle, dietary habits, genetics and stressful work environments also figure into the equation. Our clients look to us for guidance, not only in the gym but also in these other aspects of...
Helping Personal Training Clients Overcome The Dialysis Drain
Receiving a diagnosis of acute renal failure, or end-stage kidney disease is a frightening experience. Unlike many cancers, which respond well to radiation treatments and chemotherapy, the only real cure for acute renal failure is a near-perfect donor match and a...
Walk Before You Run; Crawl Before You Walk
As we enter 2017, our family has many things to which we are looking forward, most notably the arrival (G-d willing) of our first grandchild in mid-May. As you can imagine, a hefty portion of our conversations these days revolve around this blessed and life-changing...
Kids On The Move…And Into The Gym
Not too long ago, a team of scientists from the University of North Texas presented some fascinating data at the American Psychological Association’s 122nd Annual Convention. Through their research, they were able to demonstrate how physically fit females in the 6th...