If we train our bodies to the point of failure, or just shy of that threshold, we typically find ourselves more than a bit winded. The feeling can be exhilarating! However, for clients with exercise-induced asthma, such a scenario tells a different story. Making The...
Cathleen Kronemer
Chocolate Musings for Valentines Day
The month of February can present a conundrum for health enthusiasts. Here we stand, 5 or 6 weeks into our New Year’s resolutions of exercising more, sleeping well and eating clean... Then, what smacks us in the face mid-month? Valentine’s Day! Why the Chocolate...
Balance Concerns: Age-Related or Warning Sign?
Lack of balance can be normal or it can be a serious health concern. Knowing the difference is essential for the personal trainer. The ability to control and maintain the body's position, whether moving or remaining still, is integral to the overall quality of life....
Lymphatic System Logistics for Exercise
The lymphatic system is tied to the optimal functioning of almost every aspect of the human body. It plays a role in injury and muscle soreness. It has a function for tissue regeneration, mental concentration, fluid regulation and warrants significant attention in the...
The Effects of Peppermint on Performance
The essence of peppermint, whether infused in oils or brewed in tea, has tremendous health benefits. It ranks as a premier choice for individuals seeking to boost athletic performance. What exactly are the effects of peppermint on performance and is it worth...
Celebrating the Holidays With Minimal Sacrifice
Are your clients celebrating mindfully this holiday season? Fortunately, there is time to coach healthy choices even after Thanksgiving passes. Here are some ideas for you to help guide them to that mission. Holidays = Treat Time? While this truly is a magical season...
Skinny Doesn’t Guarantee Healthy
“Can you help me to lose weight?” is what many females ask when first meeting with a fitness professional. In a world where we are constantly barraged by images of beautiful and rail-thin supermodels, it's no wonder that so many women aspire to reach unrealistic goals...
Breathing New Life Into Clients With COPD
When a client has trouble breathing because of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), it changes the approach to physical fitness. Armed with the physiology of respiratory dysfunction, personal trainers can safely compile a workout regimen that respects the...
Addressing The Woes After Bodybuilding Shows
Coming down from the high of competition is a challenge in and of itself. If you or your clients are training for a show, here's what to consider for the post-show period. After a long day of posing, dehydrating, and nibbling on little more than rice cakes with...
Seizure Safety: Exercise and the Epileptic Client
Exercise can benefit the epileptic client. Over 2.5 million Americans are currently living with epilepsy and need exercise just like everyone else. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by frequent seizures, believed to originate from abnormal spurts of...
Understanding The Dangers of Carbonated Beverages
Are your client's bubbles getting them into trouble? Carbonated beverages remain the single most significant source of calories in the American diet. Since most soft drinks offer little, if any, nutritional benefit, they fit perfectly under the heading of “empty...
Time Restricted Eating and Autophagy
“The best of all medicines is resting and fasting.” – Benjamin Franklin What if there was a way to achieve better health while doing “nothing”? Perhaps Ben Franklin had it right all those years ago. We all get caught up in “being a verb”, especially in our profession....
Incontinent Fitness Clients Can Reclaim Their Active Lifestyles
Some of your clients might suffer quietly from incontinence. It's an issue about which clients often hesitate to speak and it affects more people than we realize. Tactfully bringing up this condition so you can work with it during exercise programming efforts will set...
Anemia and Exercise: Pumping Iron or Depleting It?
Understanding the correlation between anemia and exercise is important for certified personal trainers to grasp before working with an anemic client. Anemia is the term used to describe a condition in which the body produces fewer red blood cells than normal,...
Find Out If Your Clients Are Taking These Six Medications
The side effects of certain medications alter a client’s ability to perform. Even unsuspecting medicationss like aspirin, birth control, and cholesterol. Being aware of what your client is taking and the possible impact on training is part of your role as a personal...
Fitness Benefits of Boxing
Boxing is an excellent way to burn calories, get in shape and have fun. Boxing trains both the brain and body, while enhancing the connection between the two. The sport of boxing has attracted a steadily growing fan base in hundreds of gyms throughout the United...
Cautioning Clients Against Comparisons
When a personal training client tries to hold herself to unrealistic standards, the result will not be a satisfactory outcome. Comparing to others ends up with the client chastising herself for not working hard enough. Our job is to offer her a new and more positive...
Can Exercise Help Peripheral Neuropathy?
The right exercises can be a catalyst for regaining motor control in clients sidelined with neuropathic pain. Negotiating with peripheral neuropathy when personal training has its challenges, but you can make movement possible again. Peripheral neuropathy is a...