The Gut-Brain Axis: How Physical Exercise and Stress Affect the Gut
In recent years, the concept of the “gut-brain axis” has gained widespread attention, especially as we learn more about how the gut influences our mental and emotional well-being. This bidirectional communication system between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain...
Cracking the Egg Yolk Debate
At only a few inches tall, the humble egg holds surprising nutritional...
Remembering to Eat: Skipping Meals is Not Ideal
Personal trainers and clients alike can get so caught up in their workday that...
Exercise Science
Is Athleticism Genetic?
Is athleticism genetic? We often use the phrase “natural-born athlete” to...
Runner’s Knee Isn’t Limited to Runners
Runner’s knee is a broad term used to describe pain felt from various knee...
Exercise to Boost Fertility
One topic revolving around fertility that deserves our attention, especially as fitness...
8 Valuable Fitness Client Relationship Builders
Relationship builders make excellent service providers. Even if a personal trainer knows the...
Walking as Cardio: How to Walk With Purpose
Is walking really an aerobic activity, or a form of exercise that qualifies as "cardio"? Someone...
Personal Training Client Nutrition: 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Did you know that the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) are updated by the USDA every five...
Exercise Equipment Servicing Checklist: Cleaning and Maintenance
Investing in exercise equipment is an investment in our business as personal trainers. If home...
Hormones and Fitness: How Sex Hormones Influence Exercise
The relationship between hormones and fitness is complex and oft-ignored which may impact personal...
Top Five Agility Drills for Soccer Players
Soccer is a game that is heavily reliant on the ability to change positions quickly and...
Developing Martial Arts Skills
Personal trainers may encounter a vast array of clients with even more varied backgrounds and...
Forward Head Posture: Neck Considerations for Older Clients
In fitness, we not only cater to clients with postural dysfunction but we begin to notice it more...

Foot Pain: Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendinitis Commonalities
Two of the most common injuries to the foot or heel are plantar fasciitis and achilles tendinitis....
Bring on the Tension: Understanding Leverage vs. Compression Movements
Throughout any given day, our muscles perform both big and little movements which help shape our...

Beat the Heat! How the Body Handles High Temps
As heatwaves sweep across the US, marking the start of summer, I was kindly reminded by the 110+...