New Year Resolutions ~Using Behavioral Psychology to Boost Client Adherence and Motivation
Decades of research on what defines success in terms of adherence to a medication schedule revealed a multitude of factors. This same social-behavioral science research can apply to individuals who cannot, or will not, seem to prioritize the importance of physical...
Zinc and Copper Depletion: What You Need to Know
It's probably no surprise that after the last few years with COVID and other...
Blood Sugar and Metabolism: Why Calories aren’t King
Wouldn’t our jobs as personal trainers be much easier if all there was to...
Exercise Science
Wellness and Fitness: Different Sides of the Same Coin
In our daily attempts to live healthy and productive lives, it helps to...
Personal Trainers Can Positively Influence Public Health Initiatives
Physical inactivity, and the health problems that follow in its wake, recently...
Tackling Fall Time Change and Sleep Habits
Clock time is changed by one hour, twice a year in 70 countries and most of the states in the U.S....
Preparing your Fitness Clients for Physical Assessments
Health and physical assessments are integral to the personal training experience. When working...
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Disease: How Personal Trainers Can Help
Exercise may feel difficult or even scary for individuals with cardiovascular and respiratory...
10 Best Exercises to Build a Better Squat
The squat is a true test of lower body strength. Any serious commercial, collegiate, professional,...
Developing a Website for Your Fitness Business: Questions to Ask
Creating a consistent and quality web presence is important whether you’re running an online,...
The Adonis Complex: Male Physiques and Muscle Dysmorphia
Can the drive for extreme muscularity turn into an unhealthy obsession? “The Adonis Complex”,...
Shift Work and Health Effects
Stomach problems, ulcers, depression and an increased risk of accidents and injury are just a few...
Cholesterol: What It Is and How Aerobic Exercise Affects It
While leading an active life is beneficial to overall health, aerobic exercise specifically helps...
Burpees While Pregnant? Safety and Common Sense Advice
If you’re a Personal Trainer or Group Fitness Instructor it's important to know what exercises are...
The Best Hip Mobility Exercises for Bootcamp
Mobility is still a fitness buzz word, and specifically, attention to hip mobility has increased...
How to Improve Lifespan and Healthspan
Each training client is a unique athlete with personal aspirations and achievements. It is thus...
Benefits of Plank: Emerging Research on Strength and Immune Function
Recent research has shown there to be even more benefits of plank exercise programming for fitness...