As a certified personal trainer, one of the most fulfilling moments is when my client tells me that they have mastered their solo workouts. As much as I want to train my awesome clients forever, empowering them to take control of their fitness journey is even better....
Brandon Hyatt, MS, CSCS
Brandon Hyatt, MS, CSCS, NFPT-CPT, NASM-CES, BRM, PPSC is an experienced leader, educator, and personal trainer with over 7 years of success in building high-performing fitness teams, facilities, and clients. He aspires to become a kinesiology professor while continuing to grow as a professional fitness writer and inspiring speaker, sharing his expertise and passion. He has a master's degree in kinesiology from Point Loma Nazarene University. His mission is to impact countless people by empowering and leading them in their fitness journey.

Fundamental Squat Technique, Cueing, and Modifications
The squat is arguably the most ubiquitous and programmed exercise in the personal trainer's toolbox. This article will discuss fundamental squat technique, not a specific variation of the squat or corrective exercise strategies. It explores key points widely...
Is Having a Fit Body Enough to be a Successful Personal Trainer?
As a personal trainer, having a fit body can be an impressive accomplishment, a testament to your dedication and hard work. Perhaps working out has been a passion for you, sparked by a desire to look better. You might think that possessing a fit body automatically...