Alexandria Clearwater

Alex has her A.S in Exercise Science and is a certified Personal Trainer with NFPT and NSCF. She recently traveled to India to gain her 200 hr yoga teacher certification where she studied the ancient practice at its origins. Alex has spent time teaching yoga in Spain while volunteering at a yoga retreat and is currently working at her local college instructing two fitness courses. Alex wants to share with her clients and students the mental, physical and emotionally healing qualities of exercise and movement. She believes everyone should have a healthy relationship with their bodies and strives to thread that concept throughout her career.

HIIT Workout Plan for Personal Trainers

It’s ironic that High-Intensity Interval Training has the acronym H.I.I.T because it’s exactly how you feel afterward. It is a challenging style of class to teach and fuel your students want to keep going. When I started teaching HIIT I was intimidated by the timing,...

How Not to Plank

Planks are well loved for their ability to target most of the core musculature. But isn’t this possible without a plank? Don’t get me wrong. The plank is well loved for a reason. It works a slew of muscles all at once while improving core stabilization, which is a...

Weight Lifting for Weight Loss

Female clients can use weight lifting to their advantage when wanting to lose weight. I generally don’t encourage a client’s main fitness goal to be “weight loss” because it can foster an unhealthy relationship with their self-image, body confidence and the health...

Strength Training for Endurance Performance

Despite years of research showing the benefits of strength training for endurance performance, it’s challenging to convince a client to take precious training time to pick up some weights in the gym. Individuals training for marathons, duathlons, and triathlons can be...

7 Qualities of a Good Personal Trainer

With the New Year people are looking for personal trainers. Here are qualities or markers of a good personal trainer. Do you have all 7? 1. Credentials and Education I’m going to begin with what I see as the most obvious area to maintain, and yet sometimes the most...

Instructions for Resistance Band Deadlift Row

Using a resistance band during a deadlift creates the ability to add a row and make this exercise a total body experience. At some point in every exercise program comes the need to progress an exercise to a more challenging level. Not everyone who works out likes to...

Instructions for Resistance Band Lunge

Sometimes you need to modify a lunge and other times a progression is what the client ordered. Using a resistance band to do a lunge is a fun way to add variety and challenge to this fundamental exercise. Using a resistance band when lunging makes the move a total...

Travel the World As a Personal Trainer

The word on everybody’s lips is “travel”. As a young fitness professional, I am excited to see more travel incorporated in fitness business. With fitness becoming more popular and more widely recognized as a preventive method for chronic disease and premature...

How to Bring Mindfulness to the Gym

Incorporate mindfulness in to your personal training to make your job easier and the training more effective for your clients. How often have you asked a client how an exercise is feeling, and they respond with something equivalent to “I’m not sure, okay I...

Taking the NFPT Personal Trainer Exam

This month I officially became an NFPT Certified Personal Trainer. Even though I had my fair share of forehead slapping moments while preparing (I will share those in a moment), I really enjoyed the process. All of my study materials were available online or in...